When I had my baby girl, I was so mentally unprepared for the challenges motherhood brings. My faith was challenged, my self-confidence wavered, and I was acutely sleep-deprived for way too long (that is a story for another day). I started to run in survival mode and many of the “non-essential” activities that required brian power were shut down. I retained my mothering instincts and how to run the coffee pot. Das it. As I said, only the essential functions. Style was not a priority, but on some level, living in sweats was killing my soul. Losing a part of “you” for a season is okay, but it’s important to intentionally go find yourself when the season has passed. As a new mom, I needed style jumper cables, so I was so excited to explore styling services. This is not an on-going service I use because, at melb+, we are on a budget! (Cue: “she works hard for the money” sound track). However, I will use them from time to time when I’m feeling “meh” about my closet, OR during a season of life when shopping is difficult (aka pandemic). Recently, I trialed Nadine West and I was not disappointed.
Here are some of the cuties they sent:

Their shipping fee is under $10, and you can apply it to anything you keep! Nothing in my box was over $40! That was a huge win. There are no other fees! I hope you give a styling service a try if you happen to be in a style funk!